Performance. Knowledge. Results.

Open your window to empowerment today.


Executive Coaching

Exceptional coaches are adept at bringing to the surface, the stored knowledge base that individuals have accrued that’s been permeating, waiting for the moment it can be applied for improved performance. fenêtre enables individuals, teams and organisations to do just that!

Human Capital Consulting.

fenêtre understands the complexity of Human Capital Management. Having interviewed over 4000 professionals in a range of business contexts, fenêtre brings to bear tried and tested frameworks to ensure effective bottom line results.

fenêtre enables leaders to develop meaningful, measurable and realistic strategies that are cost effective.

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With over 4000 interviews conducted in various business contexts, fenetre consulting is well placed to help you succeed with your human capital needs.

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What gets measured gets done

See how Fentre Consulting can help with a plan custom fitted to you. Where to start, what to learn, how to acquire skills, who to meet and talk to. Beyond what you do day-to-day, having a plan propels your career wherever you want it to go

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Discover what you really want from life and how to achieve it.


Find a way in to the career and job you love


Improve yourself, and achieve your goals

Keep Options Open

Still not sure where to go? Give your career options.

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